Handcent SMS is great text app. You can customize this app too and offers useful features, this app support SMS/MMS, it features additional security that helps you to password protect and hide individual messages with the Privacy Box or secure all of your messages, a useful feature that apply if you are viewed in Handcent SMS, the stock Android messaging app, or any third party applications.
This app support 20 languages, and it has Handcent’s Contact Locator plugin that can be used to locate your friends using GPS fast. You can send messages to groups. This app has optional SMS Popup notification, so many other customizations like notification sounds, vibrate patterns, backgrounds and themes for individual contacts. You can use themes that can be download from Handcent Network, this network add new themes daily.
It has Mimic messaging layouts, and you can backup settings to My Handcent Online account. You can send files 10 files at 25 megabytes each for a total message size of 250 megabytes with its MMS. This app features Auto-splitting for messages over 160 characters for users on CDMA networks such as Verizon Wireless.
This app has fonts and Integrated Blacklist with the ability to filter incoming SMS/MMS messages by origin and help block SPAM. You can easily manage drafts and schedule tasks to deliver SMS and MMS messages at a specific time or regular intervals such as daily, weekly or monthly. It support vCards, and you can share Handcent eCards too. It has so many emoji icons, you can download plugins and emoji too. You can use group MMS with iPhone. Now this app has been updated to the version 4.0, you can see below new version features:
Main update of Handcent,include universal messaging with free Handcent talk services and new style user interface
Handcent Talk service,send FREE messages/picture to android & iPhone (Coming soon) users easily,fast,security
Support ICS+SGS2,won’t send double messages
Support Group mms with iPhone,useful for US networks
First version of Handcent SMS for jailbreak iPhone released
New Handcent website
Handcent SMS [Download Link Of Google Play]